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Item Constant–Set (Dhruva–Rasi) Technique in Jaina School of AstronomyJain, L.C.; Jain, K.P.Item Life and Works of Puran SinghVirk, H.S.Item Formalisation and Orality in Panini’s AstadhyayiFilliozat, P.S.Item Approximate Values of Surds in Hindu MathematicsDatta, B.; Singh, A.N.Item Surds in Hindu MathematicsDatta, B.; Singh, A.N.Item Use of Series in IndiaDatta, B.; Singh, A.N.Item A Fragment of the Lauhasastra of NagarjunaSharma, P.V.Item Two Mughal Celestial GlobesSarma, S.R.; Kulkarni, A.G.Item Pratibimba Siddhanta of Jai Singh’s LibrarySharma, V.N.Item Birbal Sahni and India– Madagascar FitChandra, S.Item Sawai Jai Singh’s Hindu AstronomersSharma, V.N.Item The Structure of the RgvedaKak, S.C.Item A Search for the Earliest Vedic CalenderAbhyankar, K.D.