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Item Dating the Quaternary and Human CivilizationPrasad, K.N.; Murthy, S.R.N.Item The Epoch of the Romaka SiddhantaShastri, T.S.K.Item Ganita Kaumudi and the Continued FractionMajumdar, P.K.Item A Rationale of Bhaskara I's MethodMajumdar, P.K.Item Indian Values of the Sinus TotusGupta, R.C.Item Geometry as known to the People of Indus CivilizationKulkarni, R.P.Item George Gaylord Simpson and LamarckGershenowitz, H.Item Nephrology in Ancient Indian System of MedicineSingh, R.H.; Srivastava, P.K.Item The Establishment of ObservatoriesAnsari, S.M.R.Item Gavin De Beer and the Neo–LamarckiansGershenowitz, H.Item Triphala and its Arabic and Chinese SynonymsMahdihassan, S.Item The Value of Π Known to SulbasutrakarasKulkarni, R.P.